Lightgurus are fully certified electricians. We have the expertise to complete any electrical services for residential and commercial projects. From initial installation to complete rewiring.
Installation and wiring of lighting, switches and sockets for residential and commercial buildings. Big or small projects, inside or out. We have the experience and skills, to complete your job to the highest standards.
Does your house or business need an upgrade? We are experts in rewiring properties, big or small. From upgrading old wiring to adding on to existing wiring.
Professional advice on design and specification of your lighting. Quotation and sourcing of lighting if required. Installation of all lighting including controls and programming.
Wiring and installation of all switches and sockets. Relocation of switches and sockets. Adding new switches and sockets to existing wiring. Quotations and sourcing of switches and sockets, if required.
Installation of fire alarms and emergency lighting for residential and commercial properties. Advice, quotations and sourcing of products required available.
Have you got a project you want a free quote for? Then feel free to get in touch.